Important Booking Information


What is the Cost?

30 minute Appointment -  $65
45 minute Appointment -  $95 
60 minute Appointment - $125 
90 minute Appointment - $175 

Rates Effective October 1, 2022, includes GST,
and are subject to change without notice.

New Patients

Please note that new patients must book a minimum of 45min for their first appointments. When booking online: look for the Initial Appointment choice to book the appropriate time allotment. There is limited space for new patients to the clinic as we have committed to working with our current patients on an ongoing basis. We ask that you please note our cancellation policy.

For returning patients of the clinic, we believe in your care and that all our therapist have different skills and schedules. You are welcome to book with an RMT you haven't seen before, and, as per any other massage therapy appointment, this will include going over your medical history, an assessment as necessary, and discussion around consent to treatment.

Late Arrival Policy;
We accommodate late-comers to the best of our ability for the remaining time allocated to the scheduled appointment, and the full cost of the appointment booked will be charged. We value the quality and timely care provided to you and the patients coming in after you.

What Form of Payment Do You Accept?
We are currently only accepting e-transfers, tap interact, or tap credit card, due at the time of service. 
Some of our RMTs also can bill a credit card kept securely on file, and/or can bill your extended benefits directly.

Cancellation Policy; 
The full rate of the appointment will be charged if an appointment is changed or cancelled without 24-hours notice, exceptions dependent on illness or medical emergency.
Thank you for being considerate of your therapist and other patients if you have a contagious virus or infection.
The RMTs and clinic will not be able to guarantee a re-booking of appointments if the RMT has to cancel due to illness.

What Is Included in the Appointment Time?
Your appointment includes all assessment & evaluation, discussion for valid consent to treatment, patient education, and administration (including the time to do Direct Billing and payments), in addition to the actual 'hands-on' time, as per guidelines set by the Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP) and the College of Massage Therapists of BC. For an idea of What To Expect, click here.